Secure App

Do you ever wonder while taking medicine if it's fake or not? Is the pill you just swallowed to get better could make you worse? If yes, then to date in Pakistan, there is no way to assure the authenticity of the medicine or any product one takes. RCAI realizes the margin criminals have to produce fake clothing brands, consumable items, and most importantly, medicine. Hence, we propose the Secure App.

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The RCAI team developed an App for marketing purposes. The user can scan respective QR code for any brand and shop accordingly. This will encourage the users to avoid crowded places and hassle during shopping.

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Urdu OCR

The RCAI team deployed an online portal for Urdu OCR that is user friendly. You can upload images that consist of Urdu text in different fonts. Extract the Urdu literature from a document image and to identify their reading format in order to convert the image into searchable electronic representation.

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FaceCheck App

The team of RCAI has successfully developed the module for face recognition. The lab has made a Face Check App. The use of this new technology will change the way we live making things more secure. This special feature will remove the traditional way of entering a password on the phone and bank accounts, marking attendance at the office and detecting the stranger entering the building.

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Stereo Vision & ADAS

The engineers at the RCAI at NED University of Engineering and Technology are working on Stereo Vision to develop collision avoidance modules which will be used in the autonomous cars to detect the objects around the car on the basis of 3-Dimensions. Stereo Vision will help to solve the major problem of the drivers while driving by detecting obstacles on roads.

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Plant Disease Detection

The RCAI team developed a Deep learning based plant disease detection app. It has a simple interface for the farmer to upload pictures of the leaf. Currently the system is capable of working on 14 most common crops e.g. tomato , potato , grape etc.

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